
down memory lane (:

i jus read my "old blog".. it seems that in thr i stated hw much i love him n hw much i miss him 4 tat paticular day,wk (: n i still miss n love him as b4.. mayb a little less coz i hav HOT fireman w me these days..
to nottyBOY!awk,kte mmg sygkn awk.. dan kte faham situasi awk skrg.. biar apa pun terjadi, kte nk awk dkt pd diri kte ni.. mcm apa yg awk ckp pd kte smlm(220408).. biar tuhan saja yg tahu perbualan kita.. ingat tau awk! syg awk banget..
to HOT fireman!U,u tau kn yg i ni pun syg kat u? sorry klau i sakitkn ati u bile u baca ni.. klau i knl u dulu dari dia,mungkin i ni dah gile2 kn u sgt! i harap u bleh kasih i masa utk fikir.. mmg u tk suka i ckp2 psl si dia.. klau kita ader jodoh tk ke maner tau!
i've been w --- ---- ----- ----- these past wk! and im luving e fact tat -- ----- -------- --- ------ ---- -------.. hope u get better from ur flu,etc .. so glad that i --- ----- ---- - ---.. thanks for being thr.. pls b ---- --- - --- ure needed.. sorry if i've been a bother to u.. it was nice being thr - --- --- --- ((:


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