YTD NITE-(140408) 0115hrs

His last msg has left a cut in my HEART! i cldnt go to slp no matter hw tired i was! it dawn to me hw much i lOVE him n nid him in my life. Tinking for a fact tat i might not b the ONE for him,hurts even mre! i LOVE you,IDIOT!

i wrote in my diary (BOOK) abt wat i felt n i knw tat sumone else whu read tis wld b hurt,MR hot Fireman. im sorry! i was only able to slp wif his gift,teddyBEAR tat i call it my Guardian Angel, "SAY" (: sounds wierd but tis guardian actually made me slp peacefully. w no fear or wat-so-ever!

i THANKED both guys for loving me n giving me e Opportunity to LOVE dem n 4 letting me be w dem! if anything were to happened tat 'us' has to go, i'll b willing to let go w a broken HEART! i wont stand in e way. i'll let nature takes its way,i'll let fate decide e future!

i lOVE YOU,mr HOT fireman n my NOTTY boy!
PS: pls dun blame me if i GO havoc! blame it on urself!
im in a BIG mess! im in dilemma! im HURT for tinking all those NONSENSICAL stuffs! i DUN TRUST myself anymre!


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