
Showing posts from November, 2008
i used to thought to myself that i could live without a man in my life . After meeting you , i couldn't last a day without your hugs && kisses . Boy , im so in love with you ! I'm sorry that im always tripping , cursing && swearing almost every single day . Boy , Please spare me for your lecture , your scolding && your nagging . I know you meant well , i know you care alot . Forgive me for all I've cause to hurt you indirectly or intentionally . Thank you for being patient with me despite the fact that i'm always stubborn , crappy , irritating && annoying . For that i love you ! This heart loves you alot . This mind apologies for breaking your heart time && again . This soul yearns for your touch . Don't make me regret my choice . Je T'aime . Happy 4th Monthsary , Saiful Bahri .
Congrats to Bf's lil' brother for archiving Express && his goal to enter Singapore Sport School . I'm proud of you Khairuddin Bin Omar . Such a happy news to be heard . Bf must be proud of his lil' brother as much as i am . The feeling is so strong to leave me speechless when his mom called during my lunch time . If i have enough cash , i'll get him something . Yesterday , called my Form Teacher . Asking about the debarment thingy . and thanked god , i wasn't debar or else what i wanted to archive will be so out of reach . Even so , i already had plans on what to do in time to come . Had a tiff with Bf in the wee morning . Shucks ! Well what the heck , this isn't like the first time we ever had an arguement . If i've known , i'll never had done such a thing to jeopardize your job . Call me a fool for not listening to you . Je t'aime . Boy , we'll see what will happen between us tomorrow ?!
“When there is a great doubt, there is great awakening; small doubt, small awakening; no doubt, no awakening” - C. william Doubts ? Boy . i wish i could tell you . im afraid , you're stress up with work && everything else . i don't want to bother you too much . i know you can't take too stress , you'll break down . i am sorry ! Boy. i promised i won't leave , i promised i'll be here . i'll keep this painful secret all to myself . Boy , Ja T'aime .
i miss my dudes && bitches! I'm seriously gonna do a gathering for my class. missing so many of them. Damn, how i wish i have the money to do so. Met Shaiful , Amirul && Azfar coincidentally at the MRT on Wednesday. t hen met Lina at ECP on Saturday. DAMN! i miss those people! I love you BF. I'll be there , i promise. Enjoyed your company alongside with your hugs && kisses PLUS our cheeky-ness. - 21th July 2008 and counting. -