Her (:


Life has always been a pain in the arse! She know for a fact that this are all parts and parcels of life! But recently,Life has become to difficult for herself to handle! She prays to GOD hoping that HE will make everything better! all she needs in life is a ray of happiness.

she loves her friends,her life and not forgetting her family! but it's unfair that she's e "pillar of the family"! Her mother told her that when she was undergoing sec 3. At a tender age of 15,she was given a huge responsibility! she knows for a fact that in her family, she was e only HOPE and her mother can only rely on as both her sisters went haywire at the age of 18/19 and her mother won't want herself to turn that way too.

But she's different than both her elder sisters! she knows for a fact that she has a N-lvl cert which is so pathetic! she wants a Degree as she don't want her future kids to suffer the way she does!

She hate the responsibility. she wants to be a kid,she wants to enjoy her life as a teenager! her shoulders ain't strong enough to should such responsibility. But what her mother told her the other way was so unreasonable!

Her mother actually asked her to get marry soon just because she has guy friends which meant by NO
RELATIONSHIP going on! she was so hurt disappointed and shocked at the sick joke her mother mention! It's true that this would be her first time knowing and spending time with guys but it's not against the law or anything that girls and guys ain't suppose to be friends!

She is in love with the guys in her life; they make her so happy and not having her thinking about her 'hurtful' family! she's HURT,really hurt by their doings. she's in need of someone to correct her when she's at the wrong path of life,to support her regardless of anything and simply being there for her.

She want to stop pretending! pretending to be happy when the truth is that she's actually hurting so much inside! she needs a break from this life of hers. she's tired of just crying her heart out almost everyday! in fact,she knows she just whining about how bad her situation is but deep in her heart this the only thing she could do!

this is her life story!


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