

Call me a bitch for all i care.. coz i dun bitch ard other pple life like e way u do,causing hurts etc.. Dun tink i kip quiet all tis while means i knw nuthing! I knw pretty well wat u hav been up to..
it's not tat i dun appreciate.. it's jst tat wat ure doing has gone way out of hand.. FINE, BY ALL MEANS.. IM E BITCH DEN WAT ARE U? Tink abt tat u immature FOOL! Ure clever than me but u doing tis proves tat ure nuthing better like all those minahs! (sorry dun get offended readers)
Ending tis entry,
life has been tis way to me.. do wateva u wan tat has to do w me, and i promise tat wateva u said,done.. u'll get double of e stuffs that im undergoing.. sorry im cursing pple.. but i cant take it if ure doing things behind my back and being extremely good infront of me..


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