On my way to work tis morning,
i saw this couple boarding into the train w a stroller.

As a female species,
of coz i was attracted to the guy.
only aft awhile,
did it dawn to me abt e lil' girl in tat stroller shld b abt 2yrs old.
and the couple was pretty much border-line twenties.

will i ever be an unwedded mother?
Eventhough im not in any serious r'ship;
will i ever follow my mom & sisters footsteps?

im afraid.
Everyting jst seems in place,
from the way i've changed.

im afraid.
thinking abt having a family;
well im still too young yet immature and naive.
who wld b my MR.?
whr will i live in?
how many kids wld thr b?

but often,
i tried to throw those thoughts away.
due to
"u'll nvr knw wen yr last day wld b?"

too much sins are done compared to the good deeds done.
LOVE on my b'half is tat
it'll nvr last 4eva.


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