in just a day.
I've lost two guys.
i didn't know tat separation would really hurts.
i broke harts yet again.

they bid their goodbyes,
leaving me in tears and
memories tat are to fond to be erase!

my goodbye with him;
at that playground,i had my last kiss n last hug.
sang our 1st song tat breaks my entire hart.
talking about our days together
that were filled with love,sadness and arguments.
we met in a decent way; we ended in a decent way too

my goodbye with he;
didnt had any last moments.
but i'll remember our memories
our favourite meeting location;
whr the moon itself witness our love.
those sweet messages that brought a smile to my face every morning.
i wont discard the items involve in our r'ship

Love can be both hurtful and magical.
Often being in love is like on cloud nine,
and getting hurt is like your heart is being shattered in million of pieces.
Love doesn't end halfway through;
you got to work hard to redeem what's yours.
you mustn't give up in finding love.


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