To: the F***ers out thr who have been giving me crap on my tagboard.

GOD DAMN IT! can u pple jst mind yr bloody business?
Tis is my life for heaven' sake! i know i've done alot in the past 9mths of 2008!
damn. mind yr business.
my life has got nuthing to do w u.
i live my life for myself and not u bloody haters out thr.

im not prefect and neither are u. damn. dlm bulan puasa,
korg umat2 islam kutuk. aku tau kesilapan aku. korg siape nk tanye psl kehidupan aku?
bila korg dpt balasan korg sdiri dlm Allah SWT. aku tk phm la dgn bdk2 melayu.

bitching abt me only mean one BLOODY thing!
YOU lack sumthing i have. watever isit, u'll nvr bring me down.
bcoz ure afraid of telling me yr name. damn, wat in the world are u pple gonna say?
next tyme, jst tag using yr bloody name if u wanna tok dirty y hide?
if ure tokking facts y arent u using yr name?



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