it's thursday,7.00pm
im still at work, got alil'more to be done.
my friends has left for the day, leaving me w a couple of the seniors.
hiax. i'll be home soon (:

my hart's hurting. i guess it would be best,
IF i stop falling into guys like i always do up till today.
fancies those guys that could sing to me at least a song,
makes me smile just talking to them etc.
simply too many, my hart is too fragile;
i fall in love easily and i get hartbroken easily too.
i would love to be hugged and kissed by that special MR.
but i have a long way to go to think of such.

guys? nuthing can be said abt them, coz im not perfect.
No one is, i dun like to be judged or to judged another based on the appearance.
does anyone ever understands what im feeling?

this cuming saturday,
hopefully.. thr would be a sentosa gal's day out ( Allen&Bryans' interns)
w/o my prettygal aka adeline and my chica aka fatiin;
it'll only b me, galgal aka miera and nottygal aka fadilah (:
planned this outing for almost 2wks, and turn out 2 of my gfs cant make it.
haix, next mth im gonna make sure that no one bail on our outing. DAMN!

im still very sore. abt the whole drama tis 2wks.


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