i love you dad.

There's this uncle at my workplace that remind me so much of my ayah in his younger days when ayah was much fit and build. Oh how much i'm missing him, he had just undergo a major operation - bypass and now he's so much skinner now and he's having difficulties breathing when he lies
down on the bed at night.

Memories of when ayah was still so muscular and fit, my elder sister and myself will always wants to be around him and lie on his lap. and how he would be able to carry Belle and look after her while we are in jurong for the day. Now carrying lil' Belle will cause him feeling breathless.

Ayah, i shall pray for you. i'll pray that you'll be like how you used to be then. i promise i'll be a good daughter, sister, wife and mother.
Ya allah ya tuhanku. Jauhilah segala penyakit-penyakit dari ayahku. hambamu ni mohon bahawa ayahku sihat seperti dahulu. Amin.


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