i used to thought to myself that i could live without a man in my life .
After meeting you , i couldn't last a day without your hugs && kisses .
Boy , im so in love with you !

I'm sorry that im always tripping , cursing && swearing almost every single day . Boy , Please spare me for your lecture , your scolding && your nagging . I know you meant well , i know you care alot .

Forgive me for all I've cause to hurt you indirectly or intentionally . Thank you for being patient with me despite the fact that i'm always stubborn , crappy , irritating && annoying . For that i love you !

This heart loves you alot . This mind apologies for breaking your heart time && again . This soul yearns for your touch . Don't make me regret my choice . Je T'aime .

Happy 4th Monthsary , Saiful Bahri .


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