has been awhile . since last updated .

Raya has been Fcuked Up. with family , DAMN ! with Bf , hardly have the time . Me Busy w work && so is he . Outfit of the year was
in Black , 2nd sister insists .

1st day , went to my Mak Long 's place. finally met up with cussy , ira && nadd . missing my guy cussy , tam . After 20yrs (if not mistaken) we went to ayah's side of the fam , was something special tho' wasn't able to see Pak Busu's Fam .

4rd day , Fcuked up. Mom was frust didnt follow us went house-hopping . went to tam's granny place . again he wasnt there , miss u dude . After which went over to Abg Yacob's place then went down to Yishun , Abg Yacob's siblings . Since then , there wasn't anymore house-hopping at all. stayed at home like ---- .

I thanked Bf for 101008 . will remember that . tho' promise to be at location at 12.30pm , i ended up meeting him at 2.30pm++ . Its was really something to remind me of other than our first date , 210708 . we made a promise to make every particular Friday memorable . Lets this be mine && Bf's lil' Secret . Sshh .

on the 12 Oct , mami has got a order of bryani for a total of 100 people . and yet again , me - Fatin - Kak Yan - Kak Sha2 && Ayah plus abg najib were to suffer . Loads of cutting , cooking && running about in the house . Crazy work all done after 3.45pm . i fell asleep immediately . only to be woke up by sis as my cussy are otw to our place .

&& Finally. This Sunday 191008 . im having a open house from 3pm onward. Food served would be Chicken Rice && more (: DO msg me if you want attend (:


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