Strawberry Shortcake Outing

Today's CMS day , and the theme of the month is Xmas. But sadly, im not attending due to a family outing with dearest saiful and isabelle.

We head over to Northpoint, Yishun, to catch 'Strawberry Shortcake' Show. As that was belle's cartoon character even before she was born. Upon reaching, saiful decided to head over to Levis to get a new pair of black jeans to go along with his latest jacket-to-be.

We were sort of late for the show that we didn't managed to get a front row for belle. Still we sit through the show with belle switching seats on either my shoulders and saiful's shoulders. After the show, we head out to wendy's for lunch. Belle fell alseep halfway and we thought we should catch the show again and make sure this time round, belle got a seat. For myself, i managed to video the whole show that was about 30mins.

Overall experience: Priceless.


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