The Celebration (:

[ That's Belle bashing her piece of cake. and strawberry shortcake is her (: ]
The Party was small and adequate. Dear decided to let her blow her candle off at 0956hours; the time she was born a year ago (: shortly after that we prepared ourselves to get down to the gig - Da'RapShoCase . baby sister met us up here in toa payoh before heading out to raffles place which was at the Arthouse.
The whole gig was Cool & Awee-some to the max! apart from the fact that it was my first-ever Hiphop Gig (: and i was like , " Look , i know that girl from my school" and "hey, i like this song" + " Fatin, cute-cute kan the guys. Lol (: "
And afterwhich we headed out, settle for mac as dinner and went back to Bedok - Baby sister' place. Watched ' My Name Is Khan ' i guess i did cried alittle and personally, i haven't seen a Hindi movie like forever.


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